Sunday 27 May 2012

Underlining Self Assessment

I've been doing this for about a year now and it's been working quite well.

When the children put their date and title on their work they underline the title with either green, orange or red pencil. This is to show how confident they are feeling at the start of the lesson:
- Green, I'm confident and could help others,
- Orange, I'm not quite sure, but I think I understand some of this,
- Red, Stop, I need help.
The children then underline in a colour at the end of the lesson so that there is a record of their feeling from the start and then end. Sometimes children go from red or orange to green, sometimes the other way around and then there are the times when both underlines are in the same colour...

The idea came from @rm8236.


  1. That sounds like a nice assessment tool. What age do you use this with?

  2. We have used with upper Key Stage Two. But the original use was with KS3/4. Can see it being used across all Key Stages.
